Every day at Intech we receive requests for technical help with DuPont™ Teflon®industrial coatings. If you have a technical question, please feel free to call and speak to one of our technical sales representatives. Once a month, we post a frequently asked question here on our blog.
Question: I am having issues with peeling. The Teflon® coating is peeling up right off of my substrate. We grit blasted the part then applied the coating according to the fact sheet. What went wrong with the application or the coating?
Answer:This is called inter-coat adhesion failure. It’s when the coating or base coat lifts cleanly off the part and shows the bare metal. In order to prevent this, the part needs to be cleaned properly after grit blast. In order to ensure adhesion of the coating, most Teflon® coatings require the substrate surface be roughened by grit blasting. Aluminum oxide is the recommended grit blast media. After grit blast, the part should be shot with air to remove contaminants (rust, oil, grease, etc.) from the part and wiped down with a acetone cloth. To assure all organic surface contamination has been removed, it is recommended that the part is pre-baked at (or slightly above) the final cure temperature.
If you need more help, call us at 302-366-8530.