The final step to the powder coating application process is curing. The following is some important information about curing TCI powder coatings:
Different Baking Needs for Different Powders:
- Thermoplastic powders need enough heat to liquefy and smooth out the coating film.
- Thermoset powders need enough heat to liquefy the film and enough time at the specified bake temperature to fully develop the coating’s properties.
The Stages of Curing Powder Coatings:
- The melt point is when powder particles change from solids to a semi-liquid state.
- The flow stage is when the powder is completely liquefied and the film will smooth out.
- The cross-linking stage refers to when the heat triggers chemical reactions within the film to change the product’s chemical and physical properties.
- The gel stage happens after sufficient crosslinking has occurred and the coating starts to solidify again.
- Cure development is the most important stage, when the coating has fully developed all of its final properties.

For more information about powder coating application, read TCI’s Troubleshooting Guide.