benefits of Teflon™ in food processing are well-known, from large-scale food
production to a family’s home cooking. They offer highly repeatable release from
pans and molds, do not require the use of release agents, are designed to
withstand the high temperatures required in cooking and baking, and are
extremely durable. Teflon-coated bakeware and food processing products are able
to withstand hundreds if not thousands of repeated uses before showing signs of
four major Teflon coating types—PTFE, PFA, FEP, and ETFE—have FDA-compliant
options. All of these options offer high release consistency, high thermal
stability, and wear and corrosion resistance. Here’s a list of the most popular
FDA-compliant coatings. These Teflon coatings, when fully cured, will comply with U.S.
FDA food contact regulations. Check the fact sheet for your specific coating to
confirm FDA-compliance.
industrial Bakeware, Cookie, Cracker, and Cheese industries are particularly
strong markets for Teflon application growth. The food industry as a whole is
stable and mostly insulated from swings in the U.S. economic outlook. And
today’s industrial food processers are in such high-volume facilities, with
many food contact parts, that there are often untapped opportunities for Teflon
applications to be discovered there.
Benefits of Teflon™ industrial coatings:
more resources on Teflon for the Food Processing industry, see our “Markets”
page on Food Processing.