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Teflon™ industrial coatings are highly durable and long lasting performance coatings that have a distinct application process and qualities that offer solutions in a variety of industrial markets. This series of blogs will highlight one of these inherent properties of Teflon coatings and how these properties can solve a variety of problems.

Chemical Resistance: Chemical environments usually do not affect a Teflon™ industrial coating. The only chemicals known to affect these coatings are molten alkali metals and highly reactive fluorinating agents. Minimal porosity leads to excellent permeation resistance and low chemical absorption. Teflon™ coatings’ resistance to chemical action makes the coatings a good choice for the chemical processing and semiconductor industries. PFA and ETFE have the best chemical resistance to many acids, bases, and solvents due to the coatings ability to melt-flow and achieve high film builds.

To see all properties of Teflon™ industrial coatings, click here

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