Chris Lord is the segment leader for Teflon™ applications in the Molding industry. We sat down and picked his brain about applications of Teflon finishes in the molding world. Read on to find out about current and future uses of Teflon coatings as a mold release agent.
Q: What problems are prevalent in the molding industry?
Chris: Many manufacturers rely on temporary mold release agents on their molds. While this may seem adequate, these temporary mold release agents simply do not provide consistent, long-term performance. Coating with Teflon provides a long lasting and more reliable solution for mold release.
Q: What are the benefits of using Teflon coatings?
Chris: In working with manufacturers, we have been able to document many areas where Teflon coating has had a positive impact on their business. Some of these areas include improved product quality and consistency, enhanced process efficiency, reduced cost of release agents and mold cleaning, fewer defects and scrap rates, as well as a decrease in demand for manpower. The benefits also include a safer work environment and reduced wastewater.
Q: What Teflon coating system(s) work best for applications in the molding industry?
Chris: Generally speaking, FEP is the top fluoropolymer coating for this industry. However, depending on the specific process and materials being molded, PFA and PTFE may also be ideal candidates. My job is to find the system that works best for the specific end user environment.
Q: Are there new technologies in development for the molding industry?
Chris: Intech and the Chemours R&D team are actively working on new coating technologies that will provide even better durability and release. We are also working on new products for areas where our coatings have not been utilized in the past. It is exciting to see the growing interest in this market segment. I receive daily inquiries for new molding applications.
For further information on Teflon coatings in the molding industry, contact Intech Services Inc. at (302) 366-8530, and ask for Chris Lord.