In recent years, the aerospace industry has seen the founding of the privatized space sector and the expansion of established companies into near-space flight. With those, as well as constant improvements in traditional flight technology, products used in the aerospace industry have to stand up to rigorous testing, demanding operating conditions, and the increasingly common demands of space flight. As such, Teflon™ coatings used in the aerospace industry are highly specified, highly qualified, and resistant to a wide range of stresses. They offer durability and toughness for an industry with unique needs.
954G-3XX, 959G-2XX, and 953G-401/506
Acid Primer
Can be used both as a primer and One Coat system. A PTFE topcoat follows the primer using the AMS 2515 material specification.
High corrosion resistance
High chemical resistance
Dry lubrication
High temperature resistance
AMS 2515
Sikorksy & Honeywell