Product | Description | Color | FDA | DFT (mils) | Coverage | Carrier |
851G-214 | Standard Film Build | Green | No | 3 | 398 | Water |
851G-221 | High Film Build | Gray | No | 5 | 458 | Water |
851G-224 | High Film Build | Green | No | 5 | 451 | Water |
851G-255 | High Film Build | Black | No | 5 | 433 | Water |
852G-201 | Standard Film Build | Clear | Yes | 3 | 484 | Water |
852G-202 | High Film Build | Clear | No | 5 | 461 | Water |
Coatings are applied using conventional or HVLP spray guns over recommended primers. For FDA conforming systems, use 855G-021, 857G-030, or 857G-040 as a primer. For non-FDA conforming systems, use 850G-204, 850G-314*, or 850G-321* as a primer. Multiple coats can be applied. Cure temperatures range from 725° F – 800° F depending on the product used. See Fact Sheets for application information.
*Mix with 850-7799
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